
How To Find Out If You Are Still In Love With Your Ex

You might find yourself thinking that you are still in love with your ex, you're not alone. Most of the people that ended their relationships have those feelings after a long relationship or marriage dissolved. It's human nature to cling to the hope that they might bring back the romance they had at the beginning of their relationship. Just because things are very bleak at the moment, doesn't mean that you don't love your ex. As long as you still communicate there is always a chance that you still can bring back your relationship to be even stronger than before. If you still love your ex, there is a chance that you learned something from the break up on how to make that relationship stronger then ever.

If you are still thinking that you are still in love with your ex and want her back, you just have to make sure that the problems that separated you in the first place are resolved now. You do not want to get your ex back just for the sake of getting back together because you are lonely or depressed. You must make sure that you can start over stronger than before and deal with those problems before you make the commitment again. Nothing would be worst than getting your ex back and you go into the same situations and have to deal with another break up.
Search your heart try to figure out what mistakes were make how they impacted your relationship and how not to make the same mistakes again. You must build a stronger foundation in your relationship. If you think that you still love your ex you must make your relationship more loving and caring. Your ex must feel that you are ready to change and will do whatever it takes to make your relationship work. Just find a way to do it better. Tell yourself, "I'm still in love with my ex, but I want it to be better than before."

If you try to be her friend first she will appreciate you more, if you take it slow your ex will see that you are serious about rebuilding your relationship. Take it slow. Don't push things, just let things take their course. If the two of you are supposed to be together, it will happen. Just let it happen naturally.

Be positive when you are around your ex, let her see you that you are happy and fun to be around. You don't want to act all depressed and start acting desperate, that is a real turn off to any relationship.

Just try to think of what type of person you would like to be with. Do you think that they would want to be with that type of person as well? Most people want to be with happy people who can brighten their day and make them smile. We want someone who is happy and secure in knowing who they are. Try to be someone that makes someone feel like that. Make your ex feel special by just being an encouraging friend.

If you make yourself valuable to your ex and are able to make them feel valuable you may have a chance to bring back lost love. You may also be making a foundation that will last forever. It is a good thing to say "I'm still in love with my ex." It is an even better thing to try and make the foundation of that love stronger.

Jeanette Fitzgerald is a successful internet marketer, helping people to achieve success in their lives. Visit Jeanette's website


4 Things You Can Do To Stop Your Divorce

If you feel that your marriage is heading for the divorce courts and you are desperately searching for ways to save it. Don't panic, many couples have saved their marriages, as long as both of you realize that there are problems and are willing to sit down and discussed in a rational manner. Try to figure out where things went wrong and agree that you have to put a lot of effort into rebuilding your marriage.

There are things that you can do to correct your problems and stop your divorce:

1. Make an appointment with a marriage counselor and let them help you iron out your differences. Counselors are trained in how to help people deal with conflicts such as infidelity, depression and any other issues that you might have that are tearing your marriage apart. If you are not able to afford a marriage counselor, then search out marriage counselors in your church, a lot of times they will donate their time so they can help couples selvage their marriage.

2. If you really want to stop your divorce then listen to your marriage counselor don't take everything to personally. Try and listen to your spouses side also and don't jump to conclusions. Don't get your feelings hurt to easily when you don't agree what is discussed, your counselor is trying to bring out both of your views out in the open and is trying to find a solution to your problems. Being honest and listening to what your spouse is saying might help your spouse to listen to you also.

3. To stop your divorce before your attorney gets involved, you must keep your cool. Don't argue with your spouse, you are not getting anything resolved at this point any way, and if you continue arguing it might just make the situation worse. Don't force your opinions on him to change his mind about the divorce, at this point he is pretty angry and you are just making things worse. The more you try to point out what went wrong the more he will try to defend himself.

4. Finally you must get yourself prepared mentally that as much as you might want this marriage to be saved, it might be just to late. Being honest and realistic about your marriage situation will help you better cope with the whole divorce thing.

Your marriage will have a chance to survive only when you and your spouse are willing to work on it, so do all you can to stop your divorce.

Best Of Luck,

Jeanette Fitzgerald


Doctor Phil Relationship Remedy Relationship Rescue Review

With Relationship Rescue, Philip McGraw has done a great amount of work to try and help people put their lives back together after things have fallen apart. This is no different from anything else that he has done on television with his show that brings in people who are in the middle of family crisis. If there are problems that people are having, he will help them find a way to sole it themselves.

While it might be better to have Dr. Phil right there with you to help you figure things out, his book, Relationship rescue, provides the next best thing. While it is always recommended to go seek counseling, it may not always be feasible. What makes many efforts to save relationships fail is that there is no action taken. Dr. Phil insists that if your relationship is to be saved, then both parties must work to save it. Any marriage counseling or relationship advice that anyone will give you will let you know that work is involved.

Phil McGraw's book gives people instructions that are very helpful but can be difficult because he challenges both parties in the love relationship to look inwardly and own up to their problems and work to fix them. He tells them that they need to work as hard to fix themselves as they expect their partner or spouse to work on theirs. Relationship Rescue says that even if you think that your significant other is the root of all the problems you must scrutinize yourself.

In Relationship Rescue, Dr. Phil asks readers to perform an self analysis regarding their feelings about the relationship. There are lists of questions that are categorized by topics like, "Relationship Health Profile," "Personal Concepts Profile," "The Relationship Behavior Profile: Your Partner," "The Relationship Behavior Profile: You." Just looking at those headings you know that it is going to require some serious work and thinking that will be well worth it once you see an improvement in not only your perceptions of the relationship, but in the relationship itself.

Dr. Phil's Relationship Rescue also encourages people to change their perspective of the relationship form a negative one to a positive one. Most people make things out to be worse than they are. Changing one's viewpoint of the other in the love relationship may help them see that the problems may be as bad as first thought.

Dr. Phil, as always, gives common sense relationship advice that requires some hard thinking and some hard work. There are millions of people who have taken his advice that he gives in this book and seen dramatic improvements in their lives. If you don't have the patience or the time to read his Relationship Rescue book, there is an abridged audiobook available that makes the information easy to understand but also helps in that you get to listen to his sound advice in his own voice.

Is Conflict In A Relationship Harder On Men

In trying to overcome conflicts in a relationship, psychology may help us understand why men and women react differently. If you are dating or in a marriage, there are going to be arguments from time to time. What can make things worse is if the two people's ways of dealing with conflict cause them to make things worse. Many marriages have turned to marriage counselors and those who aren't married will still seek out relationship advice. Most counseling will help you realize some things that may help each understand how the other party thinks.

There was a study funded by the National Institute of Mental Health which showed that most couples who had been together for only a couple of months between the ages of 18 and 21 avoidedintimacy and being dependent on their other half. They also showed levels of anxiety concerning being rejected or abandoned. Those tested all exhibited different degrees of the anxiety over being abandoned. Of course those who were more secure in themselves had lower levels and others, depending on how they dealt with anxiety and thought about abandonment, reacted differently as well.

What was interesting in the testing was how differently the results were in both men and women. The ones researching relationship psychology using these subjects found that in their physiological reaction to relationship conflict, the reaction in men was more easily noticeable. Most of the reaction was increased anxiety for the majority of men while only those women who are the more avoidant types showed any real changes.

Women are more likely to want to guide a conversation in trying to resolve conflict in a relationship. Psychology shows them to be, in this situation, the ones actively working to get the situation resolved. While they were showing increased levels of cortisol before and during the confrontation, the levels dropped significantly. They showed that getting the conflict over quickly was more physiologically satisfying.

Men, however, showed to be more passive in conflict resolution. While there was evidence that they, too, wanted the conflict to be resolved they weren't anxious to confront the conflict head on. Those men who had female partners who were more secure showed lower levels of anxiety. Women showed no change in their levels of anxiety whether their male counterpart was secure or not.

When you seek out relationship advice, whether you go to family therapy or psychologists, they are going to try to help you understand how men and women react differently. The above research on studying the effects of conflict in men and women will help you know why the react the way that they do in the relationship. Psychology and physiological research will help you deal with conflict better.

Wishing You The Best,

Jeanette Fitzgerald


How Can I Find Out If I'm in a Toxic Relationship

If you're wondering if you are in a toxic relationship, chances are that you probable are in such a relationship. Your hunch is probably right, but here are the clues that will help you identify your relationship, to see if you are living with a toxic person:

1. Your partner disrespects you (verbally) in front of other people.
2. Your partner might say that he loves you, but his actions tell you otherwise.
3. Your partner tries to make you dependent on him.
4. Your partner checks up on you, snooping around your personal stuff,reading your emails.
5. You constantly change yourself to please him.

Toxic people are so insecure that they project their insecurities on their partner. Those kind of people make you very uncomfortable just being around them. So you might ask why would anybody want to be in such a relationship? A relationship that makes you feel emotionally unstable.

When you first start dating he is very attentive and makes you feel like you are his queen and you could do no wrong. You really feel like you have found your soul mate, a person that you want to spend the rest of your life with.

As time wears on and he starts relaxing and being himself he starts to question every move you make. He gets jealous when you talk to another man, he constantly checks up on you and snoops around on your cell phone to see if you are talking to any man.

Once you realize what he is doing you start wondering if this man is actually someone that you want to live with. You try to find out where he is getting his insecurities from and after talking to him about it you find out the he came from a home that his parents were in a toxic relationship. So subconsciously he is repeating the cycle.

But the first step in getting out and staying out of toxic relationships is to realize that you do have choices. Often people who stay in these relationships have low self esteem, they don't think that they deserve any better or suffer from depression.

Now you know that you have choices, now you need to stand up for yourself. Don't fall for that old line that it is all your fault, most toxic partners will try to make you feel like it's all your fault. Do yourself a favor and do not believe his lies, if you fall for all those lies it will be very difficult for you to walk away or to set new limits to heal your relationship.

The good news is that some people are able to break the cycles of toxic relationships. The truth is that most relationships are able to be repaired. Sometimes it takes a little time. Other times, it takes counseling. But if both partners make an attempt, it is possible to renew the bonds in a healthy way.
Learn more about how to get out of toxic relationships and start building a healthy relationship.

Good Luck,

Jeanette Fitzgerald


Discover a Secret To Using Reverse Psychology to Save Your Relationship

If your relationship hit a rough spot and you want to rekindle your relationship by using reverse psychology to get your ex back is not as complicated as it sounds. You just want your ex to notice you and not ignore you. All you do is use some straightforward methods that will make your ex take notice of you and not continue to ignore you.

1. First thing you should be doing is to get out and have some fun. Start meeting other people and do not sit home and think about your ex all the time. This is going to be tough for you, but it beats staying home night after night on your own and filing the urge to contact your ex or sitting and thinking about them and getting depressed. So even if you are not in the mood to go out and socialize, force yourself to go out and make some new friends or connect with old friends.

2. Your second thing should be to promise yourself that you will not make contact with them. That means no driving by their home or work, no texting, no calling and definitely no trying to see them. This might seem counter-productive to your ultimate goal of getting your ex back, but look at it this way: if you stop calling your ex, especially when they've made it clear that they don't want to be contacted, then you appear calm, mature and in control of yourself, you never want them to see your desperation, which gives them the upper hand in the relationship. Once your ex begins to see you this way you are immediately more appealing than the desperate person you were who was bombarding them with calls.

This simple reverse psychology means that if you have stopped trying to make contact with your ex, then immediately your ex begins to wonder just what you're up to. They start thinking about you wondering why you're not contacting them, so now you are in their thoughts, which is just where you want to be.

Your ex finds out that you are out and about having fun enjoying yourself, they'll be surprised how well you are doing without them. They might even be jealous because it appears, you don't have time for your ex and it's basic human nature to want that which is scarce and that's exactly what you will become. Just like that, you've become someone who is desired and not someone to be avoided.

Taking the steps towards understanding how to win your ex back really means looking after yourself first and foremost. When you concentrate on your own requirements first and foremost, without obsessing about what your ex wants and what you should do to please them, then you inadvertently find yourself using these simple forms of Reverse Psychology without even realizing it. So you see, it is not a complicated process and you will find that your ex will respond to you in a more open and amenable way.

The Best To You,

Jeanette Fitzgerald


Why Do I Want My Ex Back

“Why do I want My ex back?” has been the cry of many who have been unable to let go of a love that has past them by. It is an understandable question to ask. Common sense tels you that you need to move on. Most of your closest friends are hoping that you would. Your ex most likely is wishing that you could move on as well. So why is it that you have to keep asking yourself, “Why do I want my ex back?”

When you are asking, “Why do I want my ex back?” consider what has just happened. You were in a love relationship of some kind, may be a marriage. It may have lasted a long time or only a short time but in either case, you had a lot invested in it. It is hard to let go of things and ideas that you may have been really attached to.

Most people do not enter into relationships lightly. They go into them hoping for something that will last a long time and just want love. You have dreams of the way that things could be. You have an idea of the way things should be. For some reason it doesn't happen. The bubble bursts on your idea and then you are left hanging on. It made such good and almost perfect sense at the time and then it is gone. You have to adjust to the idea that what you saw isn't there anymore if it was at all.

Was it love or just the idea of being in love? The lines get so confusing sometimes. Was the love ever there? It is very likely that it was at one point. The only problem was that it wasn't permanent. The two of you became incredibly important parts of each other. You get used to having certain things or people attached to you and when they are gone your mind may have trouble adjusting.

There are those who have lost limbs who still feel a phantom itch in the appendage that is now gone. There are still brain cells that are telling you that what isn't there itches and there isn't a thing you can do about it unless you retrain your brain.

The same thing is true for those who were intimately attached to someone, whether it was romantic or platonic in nature. If those people are removed for some reason, those parts of your brain that had grown accustomed to that loved one being there will have to adjust. While your brain is adjusting to the change, you are left thinking about them almost against your will.

If you are frustrated because you keep asking yourself, “Why do I want my ex back?” don't get too distraught over it. It may help you to get some advice on how to get over a relationship from someone who has been there or who understands and has helped others. It is only natural that you will have trouble with it and “want my ex back.” Give it some time, get some help, and get distracted and in time you will no longer be asking, “Why do I want my ex back?”

And for more tips and tricks on how to get your ex back go to:

Talk soon,

Jeanette Fitzgerald


Broken Trust Does Not Have to End in a Divorce

People get divorced for many reasons. One of the reasons has to do with broken trust. Once the trust is broken in a relationship it takes some time to rebuild that trust. Some couples are able to rebuilt that trust and others just can not forgive and forget that their partner has cheated on them.
If you find yourself in that situation where your spouse wants a divorce because you have been unfaithful. Well there are things that you should do and some things that you should avoid doing if you want to help. If there is something that you did that is the problem, don't promise that you will change unless you are dead serious about changing. You realize that you make a mistake and do not want a divorce, first thing you should do is apologize to your partner and start accepting responsibility for your actions.

Actions speak louder than words :

Make sure you don't give your spouse any reasons to question your faithfulness.
You must prove that you can be trusted again..
You must promise your partner that you will never do it again.
Your partner is going to need time so don't get mad because he don't trust you.

Seek out your friends that went through the same thing and made their relationship work again. If your relationship is important at all, it is well worth trying to find help before divorce is the only option. Try to find the best relationship advice you can.

Be ready for depression to come because of what the two of you are going through. It isn't easy to deal with this and you may need some kind of therapy to help you cope and understand what is happening. Love relationships can be great but they can also bring a great deal of stress when there is broken trust involved. If you want to know how to stop a divorce, seek as much help as possible. You don't have to do it alone.

And you might want to visit for more tips and tricks and tools on how to rebuild your relationship.

Good Luck,

Jeanette Fitzgerald


How To Get My Girlfriend Back

Sometimes, things happen and you end your relationship with your girlfriend.
However, you find yourself constantly thinking about your exgirlfriend. You feel like you are not going to be able to move on
without her. There are tips and ways to get your girlfriend back.

Trying to resist it is futile, so you should be doing what is necessary
to succeed. One of the first ways to get your girlfriend back is to
dress well.
You should put your best foot forward and start dressing to impress. The clothes you pick out should be nice and show off a strong sense of style. Your appearance should reflect a strong sense of self confidence. The goal is to show your ex girlfriend what she is missing.

Despite your personal transformation, your first step is not to go after your ex girlfriend.
Instead, you should act as though all things are normal. Be yourself, act like you did before the breakup. The point is to use patience and not come off as desperate. This will take a great deal of patience.
During this time, you should be as charming as you can. Charm and sensibility will work to get any girl's eye towards you. It is easier to notice you when other are also stopping to notice you.What is most important is that she comes back to you of her own volition, and the way to ensure that is to sell yourself without selling yourself.

It's very important that you be yourself do not try to be someone that you are not. Do not sacrifice who you are in order to win her back. You just cannot let your ex dictate who you think she wants you to be.

One of the way to win your girlfriend back is to be her friend. Do not shun her or push her away as she is leaving you an opening.Instead follow the above and show her how you are changing, and when the timing is right, you can make the move to get your girlfriend back.

There are a many ways to get your girlfriend back; all it will take is work and putting forward the effort. It may turn out that there is no chance to win your ex back, and you will just have to accept that you need to move on.

If there is a chance to get your girlfriend back, it will not involve
getting desperate and trying to win her back. It will involve becoming
better and letting her come back to you.

For a complete guide to reconciliation you can visit the following link for more free tips

Best of luck,

Jeanette Fitzgerald


Can I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back?

Heartbroken, things didn't work out in your relationship. Now you are wondering, 'Can I get my ex partner back?" As we know,every relationship is different, so every break up is different.There are things that you can do if you want your partner back.

Be nice. Have a positive attitude, do not nag and do not bag your ex partner. If you nag, complain or act unpleasant, you're just reinforcing the negative things that might of went wrong in your relationship.

If you make things uncomfortable, your ex partner will want to see you less and less.

The last thing you want to do is drive them farther away. Be as pleasant as you can whenever you're around them.

If you're wondering, should I act a certain way when I'm with my ex partner. Then you have to wonder why you want to be back with them anyway. It might be to your benefit just to look for a new partner, one that you can be yourself and someone who doesn't make you need to pretend.

If you can be pleasant, then whatever problems you had before the breakup probably don't seem nearly as important now. You might find yourself wondering why you weren't more pleasant when you were together.

You can't change the past, but we all tend to take our partners for granted at times. Point it out to them, and let them know that you did take them for granted.

Some other things you might be thinking of trying could either be disastrous or they could work in your favor.

Should you try to get your ex partner back if they have a new love interest?

This is a tough situation to overcome. It would be very difficult to be alone with them if they have someone new. You're part of the past, and not a priority. Being nice right now is crucial. You have to make them see how wonderful you are and how much there missing.

Should you try to get my ex partner back by trickery?

It never works to be deceptive, it will always backfire at you,sooner or later they will find out. There is no point of figuring out how to get them back only to lose them later,because they find out about your deception?

Should I get my ex partner back by making them jealous?

It's possible, but it could also backfire and make them think you've moved on. If want to date, then do so if you need to take your mind of your heartache.

But never go out with new people just to make your ex partner jealous, that's not really fair to your date, or you. Playing games like this usually don't work. Be honest with yourself and others, and you stand a better chance of getting back together with your ex.

To learn more about getting your boyfriend back go to: Making Up Tips for more ideas.

Good Luck,

Jeanette Fitzgerald


Restoring Trust in Relationship After an Affair

How do you get your ex back even after you’ve cheated? Some people claim that an affair should always end a relationship. But I disagree. I believe that every relationship is savable if both parties really want to work on it. This article is about restoring trust in relationships.

Restoring trust in relationships requires an adjustment in attitude and actions. Even after an affair, it is possible to save a relationship. But that starts with ramping up the level of trust within the couple.

If you have had an affair, you have had an attitude which allowed you to stray. There may be something at the relationship’s core that is diseased. But you can heal the disease.
What was it that you were looking for when you strayed? Was the sex humdrum? Was she too busy for you? Was she just not spending enough time on her grooming?

You wouldn’t have had an affair if the primary relationship was perfect. So, what needs to be done to fix it? Often that lies in self analysis. But just as often, that lies in the couple’s relationship.

Restoring trust in relationships means fixing the underlying problems. Sometimes that means going into couples counseling.

But just understanding our thoughts isn’t enough. The next step is to take concrete action in fixing the problems.

The secret to restoring trust in relationships lies not in talking about the right things, but in doing the right things.

One of the biggest things you can do is to make small promises and keep them. If you promise to take the trash out every evening, do it. And, do it consistently. When you demonstrate that you can be trusted in the small things, a gradual sense of confidence will be realized in the larger picture of the relationship.

Your girlfriend or wife is going to need constant reassurance that you have changed. This means that you are going to need to apologize more than once over time. You will also need to treat the recurring comments about the violation of trust as a matter of course. It is not easy for her to forgive the breach. If you want to stay with her, you will be patient with her.

This does not mean that you must feel guilty about the indiscretion forever. In fact, if you allow her to constantly guilt trip you, she will not be satisfied in the new relationship you are building. Just be understanding.

Finally, you need to put a positive spin on the incident. Treat it as an opportunity for both of you to grow as individuals and for the relationship to mature. Just as a bone grows stronger at the place it has been broken, a relationship can improve after an affair.

Restoring trust in a relationship takes time. It requires that you change both your attitudes and actions. But it is possible to heal the divide and be a stronger couple as a result.

And to find out more tips on restoring your relationship go to

Good Luck,

Jeanette Fitzgerald