
4 Things You Can Do To Stop Your Divorce

If you feel that your marriage is heading for the divorce courts and you are desperately searching for ways to save it. Don't panic, many couples have saved their marriages, as long as both of you realize that there are problems and are willing to sit down and discussed in a rational manner. Try to figure out where things went wrong and agree that you have to put a lot of effort into rebuilding your marriage.

There are things that you can do to correct your problems and stop your divorce:

1. Make an appointment with a marriage counselor and let them help you iron out your differences. Counselors are trained in how to help people deal with conflicts such as infidelity, depression and any other issues that you might have that are tearing your marriage apart. If you are not able to afford a marriage counselor, then search out marriage counselors in your church, a lot of times they will donate their time so they can help couples selvage their marriage.

2. If you really want to stop your divorce then listen to your marriage counselor don't take everything to personally. Try and listen to your spouses side also and don't jump to conclusions. Don't get your feelings hurt to easily when you don't agree what is discussed, your counselor is trying to bring out both of your views out in the open and is trying to find a solution to your problems. Being honest and listening to what your spouse is saying might help your spouse to listen to you also.

3. To stop your divorce before your attorney gets involved, you must keep your cool. Don't argue with your spouse, you are not getting anything resolved at this point any way, and if you continue arguing it might just make the situation worse. Don't force your opinions on him to change his mind about the divorce, at this point he is pretty angry and you are just making things worse. The more you try to point out what went wrong the more he will try to defend himself.

4. Finally you must get yourself prepared mentally that as much as you might want this marriage to be saved, it might be just to late. Being honest and realistic about your marriage situation will help you better cope with the whole divorce thing.

Your marriage will have a chance to survive only when you and your spouse are willing to work on it, so do all you can to stop your divorce.

Best Of Luck,

Jeanette Fitzgerald

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