
Rebuild Your Relationship

Let’s face it. Most men are born polygamous. And if you happen to read this and you belong to the polygamous male population, have you been caught cheating and having an affair by your ex-wife or girlfriend? We both know that you love her so much but you just can’t stop looking at other women. But let’s say you’re remorseful and all and you want to rebuild your relationship with your significant other. Are you sure that you’re ready to move on and rebuild your relationship? And if you happen to rebuild your relationship, would it be for the better of you and your ex-significant other?

Once trust is broken, it’s pretty difficult to regain it to rebuild your relationship. With her trust to you broken, her head will be full of doubts regarding the status of your relationship. All she wants is for you to be transparent and loyal to her. I mean, if you really love a person, what’s the point of hurting them? If you want to rebuild your relationship, start to build up her trust to you first. And once that’s done, it’s much easier to ask for forgiveness and rebuild your relationship.

Asking for forgiveness to rebuild your relationship is one thing. Meaning what you say is another. If you really, really want to rebuild your relationship, stop cheating on her and be loyal. Be nice to her. Treat her the way she should be treated. Women are emotionally vulnerable when cheated on. Unlike guys like us who resort to booze and more cheating if cheated on, women cry, lock themselves up in their room and contemplate why you have cheated on her. And once she had moved on, there’s little chance that you can still rebuild your relationship.

That’s the truth, there’s slim chance that you can still rebuild your relationship once all that trust is broken. Well, the good thing is, even if it’s slim, it’s still a chance and an opportunity to rebuild your relationship. Never lose hope. Try to cool things down first before apologizing for what happened. It will take time for her to heal and for you to conceive what you have done. What you want to achieve is for you to be a better person once you are back in her life to rebuild your relationship.

On the other hand, once you are ready to start to rebuild your relationship, what you want for her is to feel at ease and comfortable with you. You want to restart with a clean slate. You want all that bad memories of you cheating on her gone. Show her how much you have changed and learned from your mistakes and how deserving you are for her. Rebuild your relationship with her as a better man and significant other. Rebuild your relationship with love, trust and communication as the foundation. Always remember that it’s pointless to hurt the people you love because hurting them will make you lose them.

Best of Luck,

Jeanette Fitzgerald

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