
The Relationship Reconstruction Project

               As a society, we are being conditioned into not putting effort into love and our relationships. Multiple forces in the world are tearing us apart. Love doesnâ??t need to hurt. It is time to work as one and help each other stay together instead of breaking up or seeking divorce.

The author of the Relationship Reconstruction Project has given us a venue where we can gather to learn how to be successful at solving every day problems facing couples. Finally there is somewhere you can go to get great advice and the tools that you will need to make your relationships last. The author of the Relationship Reconstruction Project has combined the tenets of the 12-step program and rewritten them to apply to love and the path to a healthy relationship.

C. Rich has put together love coaches and sponsors available to you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to be there for any relationship crisis. Similar to when an alcoholic is tempted to have a drink and calls his sponsor for moral support, the Relationship Reconstruction Project provides around the clock care to couples in the middle of difficulties. Join one of the fastest growing programs attributed to keeping couples together.
Price: $9.95

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